CD-1 Review of Mu2e
June 5-7, 2012


The solenoids perform several critical functions for the Mu2e experiment. Magnetic fields generated from these magnets are used to efficiently collect and transport muons from the production target to the muon stopping target while minimizing the transmission of other particles.

Solenoids Design, Schedule and Planning Documents

Title Mu2e-doc-# Title Mu2e-doc-#
Conceptual Design Report
(see Chapter 7: Solenoids)
1169 Mu2e Solenoid Interface Specification 1470
Solenoid WBS Dictionary 2146 Solenoid Milestone Dictionary 2147
Engineering Risk Assessment for the Solenoids 2224
Requirement Documents:
Quench Protection System Requirements 1238 Detector Solenoid Requirements 946
Transport Solenoid Collimators Requirements 1129 Transport Solenoid Requirements 947
Production Solenoid Heat and Radiation Shield Requirements 1092 Production Solenoid Requirements 945
Power Supply System Requirements 1237 Magnetic Field Measurement Requirements 1275
Mu2e Cryogenic Distribution Requirements 1244

Solenoids BOE Documents

Existing supporting documentation is either bundled with its associated BOE documents or referenced within them.

WBS Number Task Name Mu2e-doc #
475.04.01 Project Management 1641
475.04.02 Production Solenoid 1642
475.04.03 Transport Solenoids 1643
475.04.04 Detector Solenoid 1644
475.04.06 Cryogenic Distribution System 1646
475.04.08 Magnet Power System 1648
475.04.09 Magnet Quench Protection System 1649
475.04.10 Magnetic Field Mapping System 1650
475.04.11 Ancillary Equipment 1651
475.04.12 System Integration, Installation, and Commissioning 1652

For assistance in obtaining any documentation, references, etc., please contact . For document content questions, please contact the appropriate L2 manager (see Project Contact List).

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Last modified: 06/05/2012 |