CD-1 Review of Mu2e
June 5-7, 2012

Muon Beamline

The fundamental goal of the Muon Beamline is to deliver a stopped muon rate of approximately a few times 10E10 per second to the muon stopping target, located in the Detector Solenoid, and to reduce the background in the tracker, calorimeter and cosmic ray veto detectors to a level sufficient to achieve the desired experimental sensitivity.

Muon Beamline Design, Schedule and Planning Documents

Title Mu2e-doc-# Title Mu2e-doc-#
Conceptual Design Report
(see Chapter 8: Muon Beamline)
1169 Quality Assurance Plan for the Muon Beamline 1471
Muon Beamline WBS Dictionary (DOC) 991 Mu2e Muon Beamline Milestone Dictionary (XLS) 2119
Muon Beamline Engineering Risk Assessment 2057
Requirement and Specification Documents:
WBS 05.02 – Beamline Vacuum System 1481 WBS 05.07 – Proton Absorber 1439
WBS 05.03 – Collimators 1044 WBS 05.08 – Muon Beam Stop 1351
WBS 05.04 – Muon Beamline Shielding 1506 WBS 05.09 – Neutron Absorbers 1371
WBS 05.05 – Muon Stopping Target 1437 WBS 05.10 – Detector Support and Installation System 1383
WBS 05.06 – Muon Stopping Target Monitor 1438 WBS 05.11 – Muon Beamline System Integration, Tests and Analysis 1168

Muon Beamline BOE Documents

Existing supporting documentation is either bundled with its associated BOE documents or referenced within them. The Mu2e Muon Beamline R&D Plan (2048) is a supporting document for all of this L2's BOEs.

WBS Number Task Name Mu2e
doc #
475.05.01 Project Management
475.05.01.01   CD Phase 2152
475.05.01.02   Preliminary Design 2153
475.05.01.03   Final Design 2153
475.05.01.04   Implementation and Closeout Phase 2154
475.05.02 Vacuum System 1481
475.05.02.01   Production Solenoid Enclosure
475.     Production Solenoid Enclosure - CD Phase 1679
475.     Production Solenoid Enclosure - PD and Final Phase 1680
475.     Production Solenoid Enclosure - Implementation and Closeout 1681
475.05.02.02   Detector Solenoid Enclosure
475.     Detector Solenoid Enclosure - CD Phase 1682
475.     Detector Solenoid Enclosure - PD and Final Phase 1683
475.     Detector Solenoid Enclosure - Implementation and Closeout 1684
475.05.02.03   Solenoid Cryostat Interconnects
475.     Cryostat Interconnects - CD Phase 1685
475.     Cryostat Interconnects - PD and Final Phase 1686
475.     Cryostat Interconnects - Implementation and Closeout 1687
475.05.02.04   External Vacuum System Components
475.     Ext Vacuum System - CD Phase 1688
475.     Ext Vacuum System - PD and Final Phase 1689
475.     Ext Vacuum System - Implementation and Closeout 1690
475.05.02.05   Vacuum System -- Powering, Monitoring, Controls & Interlocks
475.     Vacuum System, Controls & Interlocks - CD Phase 1691
475.     Vacuum System, Controls & Interlocks - PD and Final Phase 1692
475.     Vacuum System, Controls & Interlocks - Implementation and Closeout 1693
475.05.03 Collimators 1044
475.05.03.01   TS1 Collimator
475.     TS1 Collimators - CD Phase 1694
475.     TS1 Collimators - PD and Final Phase 1695
475.     TS1 Collimators - Implementation and Closeout 1696
475.05.03.02   TS3 Collimator
475.     TS3 Collimators - CD Phase 1697
475.     TS3 Collimators - PD and Final Phase 1698
475.     TS3 Collimators - Implementation and Closeout 1699
475.05.03.03   TS5 Collimator
475.     TS5 Collimators - CD Phase 1700
475.     TS5 Collimators - PD and Final Phase 1701
475.     TS5 Collimators - Implementation and Closeout 1702
475.05.04 Muon Beamline Shielding 1436
475.05.04.012   Shielding - CD Phase 1703
475.05.04.013   Shielding - PD and Final Phase 1704
475.05.04.014   Shielding - Implementation and Closeout 1705
475.05.05 Stopping Target
475.05.05.012   Stopping Target - CD Phase 1709
475.05.05.013   Stopping Target - PD and Final Phase 1710
475.05.05.014   Stopping Target - Implementation and Closeout 1711
475.05.06 Stopping Target Monitor
475.05.06.012   Stopping Target Monitor - CD Phase 1712
475.05.06.013   Stopping Target Monitor - PD and Final Phase 1713
475.05.06.014   Stopping Target Monitor - Implementation and Closeout 1714
475.05.07 Proton Absorber 1439
475.05.07.012   Proton Absorber - CD Phase 1715
475.05.07.013   Proton Absorber - PD and Final Phase 1716
475.05.07.014   Proton Absorber - Implementation and Closeout 1717
475.05.08 Muon Beam Stop 1351
475.05.08.012   Muon Beam Stop - CD Phase 1718
475.05.08.013   Muon Beam Stop - PD and Final Phase 1719
475.05.08.014   Muon Beam Stop - Implementation and Closeout 1720
475.05.09 Neutron Absorber 1371
475.05.09.012   Neutron Absorber - CD Phase 1721
475.05.09.013   Neutron Absorber - PD and Final Phase 1722
475.05.09.014   Neutron Absorber - Implementation and Closeout 1723
475.05.10 Detector Support Structure 1383
475.05.10.012   Detector Support Structure - CD Phase 1730
475.05.10.013   Detector Support Structure - PD and Final Phase 1731
475.05.10.014   Detector Support Structure - Implementation and Closeout 1732
475.05.11 Systems Integration, Test and Analysis 1168
475.05.11.012   Systems Integration - CD Phase 1733
475.05.11.013   Systems Integration - PD and Final Phase 1734
475.05.11.014   Systems Integration - Implementation and Closeout 1735

For assistance in obtaining any documentation, references, etc., please contact . For document content questions, please contact the appropriate L2 manager (see Project Contact List).

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Last modified: 06/05/2012 |