CD-1 Review of Mu2e
June 5-7, 2012


The muon beam on the Mu2e stopping target is derived from the decay of pions produced by the interaction of an intense 8-GeV kinetic energy proton beam with a tungsten target. Mu2e will use two proton batches from the Booster synchrotron in a given Main Injector NOvA cycle.

Accelerator Design, Schedule and Planning Documents

Title Mu2e-doc-# Title Mu2e-doc-#
Conceptual Design Report
(see Chapter 5: Accelerator Systems)
1169 Mu2e Accelerator Systems Interface Document 1529
Accelerator WBS Dictionary 2185 Milestone Dictionary 2196
Accelerator Engineering Risk Assessment 2046 Findings and Recommendations of the Mu2e Task Force -- a VE exercise 1911
Requirement Documents:
Proton Beam Absorber Requirements 948 Beam Extinction Requirements 1175
Production Solenoid Heat and Radiation Shield Requirements 1092 Production Target Requirements 887
Proton Beam Requirements 1105 Extinction Monitor Requirements 894

Accelerator BOE Documents

Existing supporting documentation is either bundled with its associated BOE documents or referenced within them.

WBS Number Task Name Mu2e
doc #
475.02.01 Project Management 1888
475.02.02 Recycler RF & Extraction
475.02.02.01   Recycler RF & Extraction, Conceptual Design 1896
475.02.03 Delivery Ring and Transport to Delivery Ring
475.02.03.01   Transport and Delivery Ring Controls
475.     Transport Controls 1572
475.     Delivery Ring Controls 1468
475.02.03.02   Delivery Ring Controls
475.     Delivery Beam DC Beam Measurement 1573
475.     Delivery Ring Tune Measurement 1573
475.02.05 Radiation Safety
475.02.05.01   Radiation Safety Improvements Conceptual Design 1897
475.02.05.02   AP1 Line to Delivery Ring Total Loss Monitor System 1890
475.02.05.03   Delivery Ring Radiation Safety Upgrades
475.     In Tunnel Shielding over loss points 1872
475.     Rings Safety System Total Loss Monitoring 1891
475.02.05.04   External Beamline Safety System
475.     External Beamline Safety System Interlocks 1832
475.     External Beamline Safety System Total Loss Monitoring 2120
475.02.05.05   Target – Transport – Detector Hall Safety Systems 1835
475.02.06 Resonant Extraction System
475.02.06.01   Resonant Extraction System General Design 1902
475.02.06.02   Resonant Extraction System Electrostatic septum (Mechanical) 1503
475.02.06.03   Resonant Extraction System Lambertson Magnet 1459
475.02.06.04   Resonant Extraction System Fast Trim Magnets
475.     Resonant Extraction System Quadrupole Magnets 1460
475.     Resonant Extraction System Sextupole Magnets 1460
475.02.06.05   Resonant Extraction System Fast Feedback Devices 1456
475.02.06.06   Resonant Extraction System Fast Feedback Electronics 1457
475.02.06.07   Resonant Extraction System RF Knockout Kicker 1458
475.02.06.08   Resonant Extraction System Magnet Power Supplies
475.     Resonant Extraction System Lambertson Power Supplies 1739
475.     Resonant Extraction System Quadrupole Power Supplies 1738
475.     Resonant Extraction System Sextupole Power Supplies 1941
475.02.07 Debuncher RF
475.02.07.01   Conceptual Design 1900
475.02.07.02   Low Level RF System 1674
475.02.07.03   Debuncher RF Beam Studies and Tuning 1678
475.02.07.04   Debuncher RF Cooling System 1745
475.02.07.05   Debuncher 2.4 MHz RF 1492
475.02.08 External Beamline
475.02.08.01   Conceptual Design 1905
475.02.08.02   External Beamline Magnets 1740
475.02.08.03   External Beamline Magnet Power Supplies 1935
475.02.08.04   External Beamline Mechanical and Vacuum Systems 2164
475.02.08.05   External Beamline Instrumentation 2123
475.02.08.06   External Beamline Controls 2136
475.02.08.07   External Beamline Diagnostic Dump 1655
475.02.09 Extinction
475.02.09.01   Conceptual Design 1901
475.02.09.02   Internal Extinction System Momentum Collimator System 2065
475.02.09.03   External Extinction System
475.     External Extinction System AC Dipole Magnets 1635
475.     External Extinction System AC Dipole Power Supplies 2058
475.     External Extinction System Collimation 1654
475.02.09.04   Extinction Monitoring
475.     Internal (Upstream) Extinction Monitoring 2064
475.     Extinction Monitor Selection Channel and Magnet 1653
475.02.10 Target Station
475.02.10.01   Target Station General 1904, 2219
475.02.10.02   Fabricate Target 1931
475.02.10.03   Target Handling 1932
475.02.10.04   Production Solenoid Heat & Radiation Shield 1666
475.02.10.05   Target Station Proton Beam Absorber 1665
475.02.10.06   Target Station Cooling 2074
475.02.10.07   Solenoid and HRS Protection Collimator 1663
475.02.10.08   Install Access Hatch Shielding Blocks 2220
475.02.11 Machine Protection with Operations Preparation
475.02.11.01   Operations Preparation, Conceptual Design 1903
475.02.11.02   Machine Protection 1639

For assistance in obtaining any documentation, references, etc., please contact . For document content questions, please contact the appropriate L2 manager (see Project Contact List).

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Last modified: 06/05/2012 |