CD-1 Review of Mu2e
June 5-7, 2012

Trigger and DAQ

The Mu2e Trigger and Data Acquisition (DAQ) subsystem provides hardware and software for collecting digitized data from the Tracker, Calorimeter, Cosmic Ray Veto and Beam Monitoring systems, and delivering that data to online and offline processing for analysis. It is also responsible for detector synchronization and control.

Trigger and DAQ Design, Schedule and Planning Documents

Title Mu2e-doc-# Title Mu2e-doc-#
Conceptual Design Report
(see Chapter 12: Trigger and Data Acquisition)
1169 Trigger and DAQ Interfaces 1520
Trigger and DAQ WBS Dictionary 2087 Trigger and DAQ Milestone Dictionary 2116
Engineering Risk Assessment - Trigger and DAQ 2138 Trigger and DAQ Requirements 1150

Trigger and DAQ BOE Documents

Existing supporting documentation is either bundled with its associated BOE documents or referenced within them.

WBS Number Task Name Mu2e-doc #
475.09.01 Project Management 1656
475.09.02 System Design & Development Infrastructure 1657
475.09.03 System Integration and Test 1658
475.09.04 Data Acquisition 1659
475.09.05 Online Data Processing 1660
475.09.06 Controls and Networking 1661

For assistance in obtaining any documentation, references, etc., please contact . For document content questions, please contact the appropriate L2 manager (see Project Contact List).

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Last modified: 06/05/2012 |