CD-1 Review of Mu2e
June 5-7, 2012

Project Management

The Mu2e Project Management covers project controls, ES&H management, quality assurance, configuration management and risk management. The Mu2e Project Manager reports to the Fermilab Director or his designee and is responsible for implementing Fermilab's ES&H policies such that they are integrated into the management of the other primary elements of work: quality, cost and schedule.

Overview Documents

Title Mu2e-doc-# Title Mu2e-doc-#
Mu2e FNAL Organization chart PDF file Mu2e Project/Collaboration Org Chart PDF file
Conceptual Design Report (CDR) 1169 Resource and Gantt Chart (updated 5/23/12) 2205
Cost Book (updated 5/23/12) 2211 Critical Path (updated 5/23/12) 2205
Cost Range 2262 Milestones 2254
Risk Register 1463 Contingency Rules 459

Project Management Documents

Title Mu2e-doc-# Title Mu2e-doc-#
Key Assumptions 836 Preliminary Project Execution Plan 1172
Project Management Plan 508 Acquisition Strategy 1074
Labor Charging Practices for Projects 763, 764 Value Engineering for CD-1 2118
Risk Management Plan 461 Configuration Management and Change Control 509
Space Offset Waiver 1051 Engineering Risk Assessment, Mu2e-wide 1980
Life Cycle Costs 524 Location Alternatives for Mu2e 1246

Safety and Quality Assurance Documents

Title Mu2e-doc-# Title Mu2e-doc-#
Integrated Safety Management Plan 785 Quality Management Plan 677
Preliminary Hazard Analysis Document 675 Security Vulnerability Assessment 676

Project Management BOE Documents

Existing supporting documentation is either bundled with its associated BOE documents or referenced within them.

WBS Number Task Name Mu2e-doc #
475.01.02 Conceptual Design 1589
475.01.03 Preliminary Design 1588
475.01.04 Final Design 1587
475.01.05 Implementation 1586

For assistance in obtaining any documentation, references, etc., please contact . For document content questions, please contact the appropriate L2 manager (see Project Contact List).

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Last modified: 06/05/2012 |