Introduction to Mu2e grid jobs

Mu2e uses the jobsub_client package provided by Fermilab Computing Division to run jobs on the grid. Therefore general information about running grid jobs and jobsub applies.

The mu2egrid package provides Mu2e-specific code required for using jobsub. All scripts in the package support the --help option. If it is present on the command line, all other options will be ignored. All scripts also support --dry-run and --verbose options to show what will be done without performing the action. A basic support for G4beamline and MARS jobs is described here. The rest of this documentation focuses on running framework (art) jobs.

Please consider the following points before running grid jobs:

To run some quick tests it is sufficient to

  1. Generate a set of fcl files.
  2. Submit mu2eprodsys grid jobs.
To be able to use the full functionality of the system, such as recovering failed jobs and/or storing outputs on tape, more steps are required:
  1. Generate a set of fcl files that completely define the jobs to be run.
  2. Register the fcl dataset with SAM, and make fcl files available on /pnfs.
  3. Make sure that input data files, if any, are pre-staged to disk.
  4. Submit mu2eprodsys grid jobs.
  5. Check results, identify and re-run failed jobs.
  6. Store outputs on tape:

Next: generate fcl files.

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