General Information and Using the art-based Offline Software
Getting a Fermilab computing account.
- Logging in to Fermilab machines.
- CPU, Disk and Tape available at Fermilab
- Accessing FermiGrid
- Workflow for running grid jobs
- Accessing data on tape (SAM)
- Putting data on tape
- List of releases of Offline.
- Units and Coordinate Systems
- The First Step: the art workbook
- Running G4 within art: The first examples.
- Which names need to match each other.
- The Mantra for making data products.
- Using Satellite Releases.
- Getting a list of data products
    printing products
- Installing the Mu2e software on your own computer.
- Building and installing the BTrk ups product.
- How to's
- Placeholder: using information from a virtual detector as an event generator
- Source code browswers:
LXR browsers for many Fermilab projects
- The art redmine wiki,
art-users archive
- Other external software used by Mu2e with links to documentation.
- Mu2e maintained FAQs: C++ FAQ,
Unix/Linux FAQ,
Geant4 Notes.
- Printing at Fermilab.
- Mu2e maintained documentation about art and its tool chain:
- Run-time Configuration (.fcl files)
- Trigger_paths, end_paths and reconstruction on demand.
- Configuring input and output modules
- What are Services?
- About handles.
- Filter Modules.
- Inter-Product References: art::Ptr, art::PtrVector, art::Assns
- Base releases and test releases.
- Search path for some run-time files.
- cet::map_vector: a new class template
- Exceptions: Mu2e policy,
CMS guide to managing exceptions.
- Using and configuring the message logger
- Documentation about Mu2e Offline:
- SimpleConfig
- Using random numbers:
Basic Instructions,
Complete Instructions.
- Magnetic Field Maps.
- CMS Public Twiki:
Offline WorkBook,
SW Guide.
- Some major subsystems:
- Mu2e Geometry: The Big Picture
- Notes on the geometry files
- Conditions Data
- Outline of how to deal with Background Frames
- SCons: the build tool used by Mu2e.
- PDG Particle ID codes:
- Some notes on the
EventGenerator module
originally sent to Peter S. This needs to be incorporated into the main body.
- Unix Hints.
- Source Code Management
- Standards and Practices
- Editors: Emacs, vim; policy of not using tab characters.
- Operations links
- mu2epro production account
- MECO Coordinate system is described in Mu2e-doc-377.
- Rob's notes on stuff to add to this site.
- Unix at Fermilab
- Notes on dynamic libraries. This is a stripped down
example of the _plugin mechanism used by the framework.
- Comments on where to find and where to put
numerical constants, magic numbers etc.
- NuComp Meetings
The material below this line is grossly out of date but needs to be
checked to make sure that all useful information has been extracted from it
and moved to up-to-date files.