Jenkins is a freeware java code build system that the
Scientific Computing Division is maintaining for
the experiments. It includes several powerful build machines
where the code can be built using a significant parallelism.
It also has many useful management features.
You can browse the Jenkins system.
and some basic recipies (for code managers).
mu2e has three Jenkins projects:
- mu2e-offline-build for building a tag of the offline code
and producing tarballs suitable for moving the build to a code disk.
It builds SLF5 and SLF6 in both prof and debug.
- mu2e-offline-ci to check if git commits build. At every
git commit it kicks off a build which the developers can check for errors.
- mu2e-offline-nightly builds every night and checks
if g4test/fcl/g4test_03.fcl runs and if there are no geant voume overlaps.
It produces a report which is mailed to a few people and archived
- log onto Jenkins system.
To do this procedure, you will need to be identified
to Jenkins by a KCA cert loaded in your browser before you visit
the site. The Jenkins page should have your username at the top right.
If it says "anonymous", delete your "buildmaster" cookies,
close browser, kinit, getcert -i, and try again.
- browse to mu2e tab then mu2e-offline-build project
- click on "configure," go the bottom, in "execute shell" box.
Edit the tag name like:
export MU2E_RELEASE_TAG=v5_2_1
at the top of the script. Click "save" at the bottom of this page.
- You should be on the project top page. Click "build now".
It will take up to 1.5 hours if there are lots of other builds
running on the build machines. When the status balls stop pulsing,
it is done. Check logs by clicking on one of the status balls,
then "last build" then "console ouput".
- Pull the releases to the code disk.
- logon to mu2e@mu2egpvm01
- cd /mu2e/app/Offline
- ./ v5_2_1
- The four versions of the release will appear in subdirectories
under the tag name.
- The build logs will also be copied there.
- If this release should also be available to the grid, see
CVMFS instructions
- If the tarball is needed for remote distribution, that can be added
to the procedure, or it can be retrieved by hand from Jenkins.
This build will be triggered every time there is a git commit
to the Offline repository. You can check the results by
browsing the Jenkins system.
Go to the "mu2e" tab, the "mu2e-offline-ci" project. If the balls
are pulsing, the build is still running. If green, the build was clean.
If red, then errors reported. Click on one of the builds (SLF5 or 6),
then "last build", then "console output" or "view as plain text"
to see the errors.
This file last modified Monday, 23-Feb-2015 09:46:14 CST