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mu2e -c Print/fcl/dumpDataProducts.fclTo print the mu2e art products in a file, in a briefer form. Note that this supresses low-momentum particles. example output
mu2e -c Print/fcl/print.fclTo print the mu2e art products in a file, in a longer form. Everything possible is printed. example output
mu2e -c Print/fcl/printLong.fcl
These fcl can be modfied to only print certain products, certain instances of products, and to supress low-momentum particles. See the printLong.fcl file to see all options.
The print module can be put in a path with other modules. This is particularly useful to see the KalRep contents, which are not persistent.
Each product has a utility class which can be used anywhere in the code. As an example:
#include "Print/inc/CaloClusterPrinter.hh" CaloClusterPrinter _ccprinter; ... auto ih = event.getValidHandleTo print to a separate file(tag); _ccprinter.Print(ih);
#include "Print/inc/CaloClusterPrinter.hh" CaloClusterPrinter _ccprinter; ... ofstream ofs("file.log"); ... auto ih = event.getValidHandleThere are several interfaces:(tag); if(interesting) _ccprinter.Print(ih,ofs);
void Print(art::Event const& event, std::ostream& os = std::cout) override; void Print(const art::Handle& handle, std::ostream& os = std::cout); void Print(const art::ValidHandle & handle, std::ostream& os = std::cout); void Print(const CaloClusterCollection& coll, std::ostream& os = std::cout); void Print(const art::Ptr & ptr, int ind = -1, std::ostream& os = std::cout); void Print(const mu2e::CaloCluster& obj, int ind = -1, std::ostream& os = std::cout);
We plan to make sure all products have a simple << operator too.
mu2e -c Print/fcl/fileDumper.fclThis print will compute the average size of the products in the file. example output
artProductSizes file
mu2e -c Print/fcl/events.fclTo count the runs, events and subruns in the file
mu2e -c Print/fcl/count.fclTo print the piece of the SAM record which is derived from the file
mu2e -c Print/fcl/printSam.fcl
This module fcl can be modified to also print the begin run and subrun numbers. See events.fcl for options.
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