###############  PrintModule Run/Subrun/Event         1        0        1

ProductPrint mu2e::GenParticles_generate__AllPatRecReco
GenParticleCollection has 1 particles
ind   pdgId            Position                     Momentum            time   ptime            name
   0    11    -3895.9    -10.2   5810.3     -102.8     -9.0     19.1   232.5     0.0    StoppedParticleReactionGun

ProductPrint mu2e::SimParticlemv_g4run__AllPatRecReco
SimParticleCollection has 410 particles
ind      key    parent  pdgId       Start  Position            P            End Position               P     vol   process
   0       1       0       11  -3895.9    -10.2   5810.3     105.0     -4077.1   -430.9  12566.9       0.0   2273   eIoni
  16      17       1       22  -4078.0   -430.5  12556.1      82.7     -4067.7   -441.7  12566.6       0.0   2273   conv
  52      53      17       11  -4067.7   -441.7  12566.6      39.8     -4065.7   -452.5  12568.7       0.0   2273   eIoni
  53      54      17      -11  -4067.7   -441.7  12566.6      42.9     -4054.7   -452.8  12579.1       0.0   2273   annihil
  68      69      54       22  -4064.0   -444.5  12569.8      15.2     -4052.0   -459.4  12580.7       0.0   2273   conv
 313     314      69       11  -4052.0   -459.4  12580.7      10.6     -4042.5   -464.0  12573.2       0.0   2273   eIoni

ProductPrint mu2e::StepPointMCs_g4run_CRV_AllPatRecReco
StepPointMCCollection has 0 particles
ind     parent     vol    eDep    noIonEDep         Position                 P      time    endProc

ProductPrint mu2e::StepPointMCs_g4run_calorimeter_AllPatRecReco
StepPointMCCollection has 660 particles
ind     parent     vol    eDep    noIonEDep         Position                 P      time    endProc
   0        1     727      0.9      0.0      -4080.3   -427.3  12553.1      96.2    276.9  Transportation
   1        1     789      0.1      0.0      -4079.3   -428.9  12554.6      95.3    276.9  eBrem
   2        1     789      0.6      0.0      -4079.1   -429.1  12554.7      95.0    276.9  eIoni
   3        1     789      0.2      0.0      -4078.6   -429.8  12555.4      94.3    276.9  eIoni
   4        1     789      0.1      0.0      -4078.4   -430.1  12555.6      94.1    276.9  eIoni
   5        1     789      0.2      0.0      -4078.3   -430.3  12555.8      93.9    276.9  eBrem
   6        1     789      0.2      0.0      -4078.0   -430.5  12556.1      10.9    276.9  eIoni
   7        1     789      0.1      0.0      -4077.6   -430.9  12556.3      10.7    276.9  eIoni
   8        1     789      0.7      0.0      -4077.3   -431.1  12556.4      10.5    276.9  eIoni
  86       54     788      0.0      0.0      -4067.7   -441.7  12566.6      42.9    277.0  eBrem
  87       54     788      0.0      0.0      -4067.7   -441.7  12566.7      42.9    277.0  eBrem
  88       54     788      0.3      0.0      -4067.7   -441.7  12566.7      41.6    277.0  eIoni
  89       54     788      0.0      0.0      -4067.4   -442.0  12567.0      41.1    277.0  eIoni
  90       54     788      0.0      0.0      -4067.4   -442.0  12567.1      41.0    277.0  eIoni
  91       54     788      0.3      0.0      -4067.4   -442.0  12567.1      40.4    277.0  eIoni
  92       54     788      1.8      0.0      -4066.9   -442.5  12567.5      40.0    277.0  eIoni
  93       54     788      0.1      0.0      -4064.3   -444.2  12569.6      38.0    277.0  eIoni
  94       54     788      0.2      0.0      -4064.2   -444.3  12569.7      37.8    277.0  eBrem
  95       54     788      0.8      0.0      -4064.0   -444.5  12569.8      22.4    277.0  eIoni
  96       54     788      0.0      0.0      -4063.1   -445.7  12570.5      21.6    277.0  eIoni
  97       54     788      0.6      0.0      -4063.1   -445.7  12570.5      21.5    277.0  eBrem
  98       54     788      0.2      0.0      -4062.3   -446.6  12571.0      20.5    277.0  eIoni
  99       54     788      0.0      0.0      -4062.0   -447.0  12571.3      20.2    277.0  eIoni
 100       54     788      0.2      0.0      -4061.9   -447.0  12571.3      20.1    277.0  eIoni
 101       54     788      1.0      0.0      -4061.7   -447.2  12571.5      19.8    277.0  eIoni
 102       54     788      0.3      0.0      -4059.7   -448.3  12572.3      18.8    277.0  eIoni
 103       54     788      0.1      0.0      -4059.1   -448.7  12572.6      18.4    277.0  eBrem
 104       54     788      0.6      0.0      -4059.0   -448.8  12572.8      17.4    277.0  eBrem
 158       53     788      0.3      0.0      -4067.7   -441.7  12566.6      39.8    277.0  eIoni
 159       53     788      0.2      0.0      -4067.3   -442.1  12567.0      39.4    277.0  eIoni
 160       53     788      0.5      0.0      -4067.0   -442.4  12567.3      39.2    277.0  eIoni
 161       53     788      0.2      0.0      -4066.5   -443.1  12567.8      38.7    277.0  eIoni
 162       53     788      0.2      0.0      -4066.2   -443.5  12568.1      36.6    277.0  eIoni
 163       53     788      0.1      0.0      -4065.9   -443.8  12568.4      36.1    277.0  eBrem
 164       53     788      0.1      0.0      -4065.7   -444.0  12568.5      35.3    277.0  eIoni
 165       53     788      0.5      0.0      -4065.6   -444.1  12568.6      35.1    277.0  eIoni
 166       53     788      0.9      0.0      -4064.9   -445.0  12569.4      34.5    277.0  eIoni
 167       53     788      0.0      0.0      -4064.2   -446.1  12570.5      33.6    277.0  eIoni
 168       53     788      0.0      0.0      -4064.2   -446.2  12570.6      32.0    277.0  eIoni
 169       53     788      0.1      0.0      -4064.2   -446.2  12570.6      31.7    277.0  eBrem
 170       53     788      0.0      0.0      -4064.1   -446.5  12570.8      30.6    277.0  eIoni
 171       53     788      0.6      0.0      -4064.1   -446.5  12570.8      30.5    277.0  eIoni
 172       53     788      0.0      0.0      -4063.6   -447.4  12571.5      29.4    277.0  eBrem
 173       53     788      0.9      0.0      -4063.5   -447.4  12571.5      27.3    277.0  eIoni
 174       53     788      0.1      0.0      -4062.8   -448.9  12572.3      26.3    277.0  eBrem
 175       53     788      0.3      0.0      -4062.7   -449.1  12572.4      26.0    277.0  eBrem
 176       53     788      0.3      0.0      -4062.4   -449.6  12572.6      25.7    277.0  eBrem
 177       53     788      0.0      0.0      -4062.2   -450.1  12572.6      16.7    277.0  eIoni
 178       53     788      0.8      0.0      -4062.2   -450.1  12572.6      16.6    277.0  eIoni
 179       53     788      0.6      0.0      -4061.6   -451.5  12573.1      15.8    277.0  eIoni
 180       53     788      0.6      0.0      -4061.0   -452.4  12574.1      15.1    277.0  eBrem
 181       53     788      0.0      0.0      -4060.4   -453.7  12574.7      14.4    277.0  eBrem
 182       53     788      1.1      0.0      -4060.4   -453.7  12574.6      14.4    277.0  eBrem
 183       53     788      0.0      0.0      -4061.1   -454.8  12572.6      10.4    277.0  eIoni
 184       53     788      0.1      0.0      -4061.1   -454.8  12572.6      10.4    277.0  eIoni
 185       53     788      0.2      0.0      -4061.2   -455.0  12572.4      10.2    277.0  eBrem
 555      314     788      0.0      0.0      -4052.0   -459.4  12580.7      10.6    277.1  eBrem
 556      314     788      0.2      0.0      -4052.0   -459.4  12580.7      10.5    277.1  eBrem
 557      314     788      0.6      0.0      -4051.7   -459.6  12580.9      10.3    277.1  eIoni

ProductPrint mu2e::StepPointMCs_g4run_calorimeterRO_AllPatRecReco
StepPointMCCollection has 0 particles
ind     parent     vol    eDep    noIonEDep         Position                 P      time    endProc

ProductPrint mu2e::StepPointMCs_g4run_tracker_AllPatRecReco
StepPointMCCollection has 82 particles
ind     parent     vol    eDep    noIonEDep         Position                 P      time    endProc
   0        1    2016      0.0      0.0       -208.8   -328.4  -1314.6      97.7    256.3  Transportation
   1        1    2064      0.0      0.0       -206.9   -336.1  -1309.0      97.7    256.3  Transportation
   2        1    2163      0.0      0.0       -199.0   -360.6  -1291.0      97.7    256.4  Transportation
   3        1    2116      0.0      0.0       -196.7   -366.5  -1286.6      97.7    256.4  Transportation
   4        1    2117      0.0      0.0       -194.6   -371.4  -1282.9      97.6    256.4  Transportation
   5        1    2598      0.0      0.0       -135.8   -456.8  -1209.0      97.6    256.9  Transportation
   6        1    2646      0.0      0.0       -129.8   -462.3  -1203.2      97.6    256.9  Transportation
   7        1    2753      0.0      0.0       -112.0   -477.0  -1187.0      97.6    257.0  Transportation
   8        1    2706      0.0      0.0       -105.8   -481.5  -1181.6      97.6    257.0  Transportation
   9        1    3277      0.0      0.0        -78.3   -498.2  -1158.8      97.6    257.2  Transportation
  10        1    3326      0.0      0.0        -68.7   -503.1  -1151.2      97.6    257.2  Transportation
  11        1    3911      0.0      0.0         71.8   -527.2  -1048.2      97.5    257.8  Transportation
  12        1    3801      0.0      0.0         95.9   -523.4  -1030.8      97.5    257.9  Transportation
  13        1    3754      0.0      0.0        102.8   -521.8  -1025.7      97.5    257.9  Transportation
  14        1    4473      0.0      0.0        161.9   -499.6   -980.3      97.5    258.2  Transportation
  15        1    4425      0.0      0.0        168.1   -496.2   -975.2      97.5    258.2  Transportation
  16        1    4424      0.0      0.0        172.5   -493.6   -971.5      97.5    258.2  Transportation
  17        1    5575      0.0      0.0        282.8   -364.5   -846.9      97.5    258.9  Transportation
  18        1    5622      0.0      0.0        285.2   -357.9   -841.8      97.4    259.0  Transportation
  19        1    5621      0.0      0.0        286.2   -354.9   -839.5      97.4    259.0  eIoni
  20        1    5621      0.0      0.0        287.3   -351.9   -837.2      97.4    259.0  Transportation
  21        1    5529      0.0      0.0        293.1   -331.8   -822.1      97.4    259.1  Transportation
  22        1    5481      0.0      0.0        294.4   -325.9   -817.7      97.4    259.1  Transportation
  23        1   11238      0.0      0.0       -173.0   -418.7    -68.8      97.4    263.4  Transportation
  24        1   11286      0.0      0.0       -168.6   -424.8    -63.3      97.3    263.4  Transportation
  25        1   11390      0.0      0.0       -153.1   -444.0    -45.3      97.3    263.5  Transportation
  26        1   11343      0.0      0.0       -148.5   -449.0    -40.4      97.3    263.5  Transportation
  27        1   11812      0.0      0.0        -63.4   -509.3     36.0      97.3    264.0  Transportation
  28        1   11859      0.0      0.0        -56.5   -512.2     41.5      97.3    264.0  Transportation
  29        1   11925      0.0      0.0        -27.1   -522.0     64.0      97.2    264.1  Transportation
  30        1   12501      0.0      0.0          3.5   -528.4     86.7      97.2    264.2  Transportation
  31        1   12549      0.0      0.0         10.8   -529.3     92.2      97.2    264.3  Transportation
  32        1   12435      0.0      0.0         35.0   -531.0    109.9      97.2    264.4  Transportation
  33        1   12388      0.0      0.0         41.6   -531.1    114.7      97.2    264.4  Transportation
  34        1   13080      0.0      0.0        143.1   -510.6    191.8      97.2    264.8  Transportation
  35        1   13127      0.0      0.0        150.9   -507.0    198.1      97.2    264.9  Transportation
  36        1   13022      0.0      0.0        170.9   -496.6    214.7      97.2    265.0  Transportation
  37        1   12975      0.0      0.0        176.7   -493.2    219.7      97.2    265.0  Transportation
  38        1   14738      0.0      0.0        300.9   -262.1    423.0      97.1    266.1  Transportation
  39        1   14690      0.0      0.0        300.6   -257.0    426.8      97.1    266.2  Transportation
  40        1   20455      0.0      0.0       -139.2   -463.0   1177.8      97.1    270.4  Transportation
  41        1   20503      0.0      0.0       -134.5   -467.3   1182.4      97.1    270.4  Transportation
  42        1   20610      0.0      0.0       -117.2   -481.7   1199.2      97.1    270.5  Transportation
  43        1   20563      0.0      0.0       -111.3   -486.1   1204.6      97.1    270.5  Transportation
  44        1   21025      0.0      0.0        -17.4   -528.9   1281.6      97.1    270.9  Transportation
  45        1   21072      0.0      0.0        -10.2   -530.5   1287.2      97.1    271.0  Transportation
  46        1   21189      0.0      0.0         13.7   -533.9   1305.5      97.0    271.1  Transportation
  47        1   21141      0.0      0.0         19.2   -534.5   1309.6      97.0    271.1  Transportation
  48        1   21720      0.0      0.0         49.6   -535.2   1332.3      97.0    271.2  Transportation
  49        1   21768      0.0      0.0         57.6   -534.8   1338.4      97.0    271.3  Transportation
  50        1   21656      0.0      0.0         79.6   -532.4   1354.9      97.0    271.4  Transportation
  51        1   21609      0.0      0.0         86.8   -531.2   1360.4      97.0    271.4  eIoni
  52        1   21609      0.0      0.0         88.4   -530.9   1361.6      97.0    271.4  Transportation
  53        1   22295      0.0      0.0        181.7   -494.3   1437.5      96.9    271.8  Transportation
  54        1   22342      0.0      0.0        188.1   -490.1   1443.2      96.9    271.8  Transportation
  55        1   22240      0.0      0.0        205.9   -476.7   1459.9      96.9    271.9  eIoni
  56        1   22240      0.0      0.0        208.1   -474.9   1462.0      96.9    271.9  Transportation

ProductPrint mu2e::StepPointMCs_g4run_virtualdetector_AllPatRecReco
StepPointMCCollection has 22 particles
ind     parent     vol    eDep    noIonEDep         Position                 P      time    endProc
   0        1      10      0.0      0.0      -4098.1   -249.8   6276.0      97.9    238.4  Transportation
   1        1      13      0.0      0.0      -3832.9    -10.9   8539.9      97.7    254.2  Transportation
   2        1      23      0.0      0.0      -4116.1   -311.5   8873.3      97.7    256.2  Transportation
   3        1      23      0.0      0.0      -3606.3   -231.1   9451.7      97.4    259.5  Transportation
   4        1      23      0.0      0.0      -4120.2   -308.7  10044.3      97.4    262.9  Transportation
   5        1      11      0.0      0.0      -4010.5   -485.1  10200.0      97.3    263.8  Transportation
   6        1      23      0.0      0.0      -3606.3   -231.2  10646.0      97.1    266.3  Transportation
   7        1      23      0.0      0.0      -4121.9   -307.5  11245.7      97.1    269.6  Transportation
   8        1      15      0.0      0.0      -3604.3   -305.5  11810.1      96.9    272.8  Transportation
   9        1      73      0.0      0.0      -3602.7   -261.9  11843.0      96.9    273.0  Transportation
  10        1      77      0.0      0.0      -3607.6   -228.0  11868.7      96.3    273.1  Transportation
  11        1      75      0.0      0.0      -4087.4   -415.8  12543.0      96.3    276.8  Transportation

ProductPrint mu2e::SimParticleart::Ptrmu2e::MCTrajectorystd::map_g4run__AllPatRecReco
MCTrajectoryCollection has 1 trajectories
ind   parent  npoint       first Point            firstT             last Point           lastT
   0        1  585    -3895.9    -10.2   5810.3     232.5    -4077.1   -430.9  12566.9     277.0

ProductPrint mu2e::CaloClusters_MakeCaloCluster__AllPatRecReco
CaloClusterCollection has 1 clusters
ind  secId   size    time    energy            position
   0     1     5     535.7     83.5     -137.7   -462.4      0.0

ProductPrint mu2e::TrackSummarys_TrackSummaryMaker__AllPatRecReco
TrackSummaryCollection has 1 tracks
   0   fitStatus:   1  charge:  -1  nactive:  47  chi2:    42.08  ndof:  42
    fitcon:    0.468  t0:    528.0  t0Err:    0.691  flt0:    737.5
  State 0
    d0:     8.2  phi0:  -2.966  omega: 0.00379  z0:  -450.4  tanDip:   0.704
    dOut:    535.2  radius:    263.5  wavelength:   1165.9
    pos:     63.4     -4.4  -1660.1  mom:  -79.455    4.794   56.048
  momErr:    0.131  arrtime:    518.5  fltTime:  -2101.2  costh:   0.5757
     d0:      8.2 +/-      1.7
   phi0:  -2.9659 +/-   0.0024
  omega: 0.003795 +/- 0.000012
     z0:   -450.4 +/-      4.6
 tanDip:   0.7041 +/-   0.0057

ProductPrint KalRepart::Ptrs_CalPatRecDem_DownstreameMinus_AllPatRecReco
KalRepPtrCollection has 1 tracks
   0   fitStatus:   1  charge:  -1  nactive:  47  chi2:    42.08  ndof:  42
    fitcon:    0.468  t0:    528.0  t0Err:    0.691  flt0:    737.5
  State 0
    d0:     8.2  phi0:  -2.966  omega: 0.00379  z0:  -450.4  tanDip:   0.704
    dOut:    535.2  radius:    263.5  wavelength:   1165.9
    pos:     63.4     -4.4  -1660.1  mom:  -79.455    4.794   56.048
  momErr:    0.131  arrtime:    518.5  fltTime:  -2101.2  costh:   0.5757
     d0:      8.2 +/-      1.7
   phi0:  -2.9659 +/-   0.0024
  omega: 0.003795 +/- 0.000012
     z0:   -450.4 +/-      4.6
 tanDip:   0.7041 +/-   0.0057

ProductPrint KalRepart::Ptrs_CalPatRecDmm_DownstreammuMinus_AllPatRecReco
KalRepPtrCollection has 1 tracks
   0   fitStatus:   1  charge:  -1  nactive:  47  chi2:    23.25  ndof:  42
    fitcon:    0.992  t0:    525.9  t0Err:    0.476  flt0:    727.1
  State 0
    d0:     7.1  phi0:  -2.962  omega: 0.00378  z0:  -445.9  tanDip:   0.705
    dOut:    536.1  radius:    264.5  wavelength:   1171.9
    pos:     61.0     -3.0  -1660.1  mom:  -79.810    3.777   56.337
  momErr:    0.270  arrtime:    512.0  fltTime:  -2107.1  costh:   0.5763
     d0:      7.1 +/-      2.6
   phi0:  -2.9620 +/-   0.0041
  omega: 0.003780 +/- 0.000019
     z0:   -445.9 +/-      7.4
 tanDip:   0.7051 +/-   0.0089

ProductPrint KalRepart::Ptrs_MergePatRecDem_DownstreameMinus_AllPatRecReco
KalRepPtrCollection has 1 tracks
   0   fitStatus:   1  charge:  -1  nactive:  47  chi2:    42.08  ndof:  42
    fitcon:    0.468  t0:    528.0  t0Err:    0.691  flt0:    737.5
  State 0
    d0:     8.2  phi0:  -2.966  omega: 0.00379  z0:  -450.4  tanDip:   0.704
    dOut:    535.2  radius:    263.5  wavelength:   1165.9
    pos:     63.4     -4.4  -1660.1  mom:  -79.455    4.794   56.048
  momErr:    0.131  arrtime:    518.5  fltTime:  -2101.2  costh:   0.5757
     d0:      8.2 +/-      1.7
   phi0:  -2.9659 +/-   0.0024
  omega: 0.003795 +/- 0.000012
     z0:   -450.4 +/-      4.6
 tanDip:   0.7041 +/-   0.0057

ProductPrint KalRepart::Ptrs_MergePatRecDmm_DownstreammuMinus_AllPatRecReco
KalRepPtrCollection has 1 tracks
   0   fitStatus:   1  charge:  -1  nactive:  47  chi2:    23.25  ndof:  42
    fitcon:    0.992  t0:    525.9  t0Err:    0.476  flt0:    727.1
  State 0
    d0:     7.1  phi0:  -2.962  omega: 0.00378  z0:  -445.9  tanDip:   0.705
    dOut:    536.1  radius:    264.5  wavelength:   1171.9
    pos:     61.0     -3.0  -1660.1  mom:  -79.810    3.777   56.337
  momErr:    0.270  arrtime:    512.0  fltTime:  -2107.1  costh:   0.5763
     d0:      7.1 +/-      2.6
   phi0:  -2.9620 +/-   0.0041
  omega: 0.003780 +/- 0.000019
     z0:   -445.9 +/-      7.4
 tanDip:   0.7051 +/-   0.0089

ProductPrint KalRepart::Ptrs_TRFDownstreameMinus_DownstreameMinus_AllPatRecReco
KalRepPtrCollection has 1 tracks
   0   fitStatus:   1  charge:  -1  nactive:  42  chi2:    35.90  ndof:  37
    fitcon:    0.520  t0:    528.3  t0Err:    0.846  flt0:    742.9
  State 0
    d0:     8.1  phi0:  -2.973  omega: 0.00381  z0:  -451.7  tanDip:   0.709
    dOut:    533.2  radius:    262.5  wavelength:   1169.1
    pos:     56.6     -4.5  -1660.1  mom:  -79.224    3.400   56.200
  momErr:    0.127  arrtime:    518.9  fltTime:  -2089.4  costh:   0.5782
     d0:      8.1 +/-      1.6
   phi0:  -2.9731 +/-   0.0035
  omega: 0.003809 +/- 0.000012
     z0:   -451.7 +/-      4.0
 tanDip:   0.7087 +/-   0.0059

ProductPrint KalRepart::Ptrs_TRFDownstreammuMinus_DownstreammuMinus_AllPatRecReco
KalRepPtrCollection has 1 tracks
   0   fitStatus:   1  charge:  -1  nactive:  44  chi2:    17.95  ndof:  39
    fitcon:    0.998  t0:    527.1  t0Err:    0.915  flt0:    740.2
  State 0
    d0:     4.7  phi0:  -2.974  omega: 0.00379  z0:  -443.4  tanDip:   0.715
    dOut:    532.1  radius:    263.7  wavelength:   1185.4
    pos:     44.3     -0.9  -1660.1  mom:  -79.660   -0.107   56.984
  momErr:    0.254  arrtime:    513.1  fltTime:  -2089.2  costh:   0.5818
     d0:      4.7 +/-      2.7
   phi0:  -2.9744 +/-   0.0057
  omega: 0.003792 +/- 0.000020
     z0:   -443.4 +/-      6.8
 tanDip:   0.7153 +/-   0.0095

11-Oct-2016 14:18:50 CDT  Opened output file with pattern "genReco_print.art"
%MSG-w FastCloning:  PostProcessPath end_path 11-Oct-2016 14:18:50 CDT  PostProcessEvent
Fast cloning deactivated for this input file due to empty event tree and/or event limits.
Found 69 data products in this Event
Data products: 
                                Friendly Class Name                    Module Label        Instance Name   Process Name     Product ID
                KalRepmu2e::OwningPointerCollection                    CalPatRecDem     DownstreameMinus  AllPatRecReco           1:8
                                 mu2e::GenParticles                        generate                       AllPatRecReco           1:28
                                mu2e::TrackSummarys               TrackSummaryMaker                       AllPatRecReco           1:67
     KalRepart::Ptrmu2e::TrackSummaryvoidart::Assns               TrackSummaryMaker                       AllPatRecReco           1:1
                            mu2e::TrkCaloIntersects        TrackCaloIntersectionDem                       AllPatRecReco           1:68
                                 mu2e::StepPointMCs                           g4run        calorimeterRO  AllPatRecReco           1:42
                                 mu2e::AlgorithmIDs                    CalPatRecDem     DownstreameMinus  AllPatRecReco           1:13
                            mu2e::TrkCaloIntersects        TrackCaloIntersectionDmm                       AllPatRecReco           1:69
                            mu2e::StrawHitPositions  CalPatRecMakeStrawHitPositions                       AllPatRecReco           1:60
                        mu2e::StepPointMCart::Ptrss                          makeSH        StrawHitMCPtr  AllPatRecReco           1:39
                        mu2e::StepPointMCart::Ptrss             MakeCaloReadoutHits  CaloHitMCCrystalPtr  AllPatRecReco           1:36
                KalRepmu2e::OwningPointerCollection             TRFDownstreameMinus     DownstreameMinus  AllPatRecReco           1:10
                                    KalRepart::Ptrs                    CalPatRecDem     DownstreameMinus  AllPatRecReco           1:2
                                 mu2e::CaloClusters                 MakeCaloCluster                       AllPatRecReco           1:20
              mu2e::StrawHitFlagDetailmu2e::BitMaps                    CalPatRecDem     DownstreameMinus  AllPatRecReco           1:48
                                    KalRepart::Ptrs            TRFDownstreammuMinus    DownstreammuMinus  AllPatRecReco           1:7
                                 mu2e::StrawDigiMCs                          makeSH           StrawHitMC  AllPatRecReco           1:46
                                 mu2e::CalTimePeaks                    CalPatRecDmm    DownstreammuMinus  AllPatRecReco           1:19
                KalRepmu2e::OwningPointerCollection            TRFDownstreammuMinus    DownstreammuMinus  AllPatRecReco           1:11
                              mu2e::AvikPIDProducts                         AvikPID                       AllPatRecReco           1:17
                               mu2e::KalRepPayloads             TRFDownstreameMinus                       AllPatRecReco           1:29
                            mu2e::StrawHitPositions                  MakeStereoHits                       AllPatRecReco           1:61
                                 mu2e::StepPointMCs                           g4run              tracker  AllPatRecReco           1:43
              mu2e::StrawHitFlagDetailmu2e::BitMaps                   FlagStrawHits                       AllPatRecReco           1:55
                                 mu2e::StepPointMCs                           g4run          calorimeter  AllPatRecReco           1:41
                                   mu2e::StrawDigis                          makeSD                       AllPatRecReco           1:47
              mu2e::StrawHitFlagDetailmu2e::BitMaps                   CalPatRecFSHP                       AllPatRecReco           1:50
                          mu2e::CaloCrystalOnlyHits             MakeCaloReadoutHits                       AllPatRecReco           1:22
                                 mu2e::CalTimePeaks                    CalPatRecDem     DownstreameMinus  AllPatRecReco           1:18
                                art::TriggerResults                  TriggerResults                       AllPatRecReco           1:12
              mu2e::StrawHitFlagDetailmu2e::BitMaps          CalPatRecFlagStrawHits                       AllPatRecReco           1:52
                                   mu2e::TrackSeeds                  TimePeakFinder                       AllPatRecReco           1:66
                                     mu2e::CaloHits             MakeCaloReadoutHits                       AllPatRecReco           1:25
                            mu2e::CaloHitSimPartMCs             MakeCaloReadoutHits                       AllPatRecReco           1:24
              mu2e::StrawHitFlagDetailmu2e::BitMaps            CalPatRecFlagBkgHits                       AllPatRecReco           1:51
                            mu2e::CaloProtoClusters            MakeCaloProtoCluster          mainCluster  AllPatRecReco           1:26
                                 mu2e::StepPointMCs                           g4run                  CRV  AllPatRecReco           1:40
              mu2e::StrawHitFlagDetailmu2e::BitMaps                  TimePeakFinder                       AllPatRecReco           1:58
                                    KalRepart::Ptrs             TRFDownstreameMinus     DownstreameMinus  AllPatRecReco           1:6
                               mu2e::KalRepPayloads            TRFDownstreammuMinus                       AllPatRecReco           1:30
                            mu2e::CaloProtoClusters            MakeCaloProtoCluster         splitCluster  AllPatRecReco           1:27
            mu2e::SimParticleart::Ptrdoublestd::map                   protonTimeMap                       AllPatRecReco           1:32
                                    mu2e::StrawHits                          makeSH                       AllPatRecReco           1:62
            mu2e::SimParticleart::Ptrdoublestd::map                     muonTimeMap                       AllPatRecReco           1:31
                                mu2e::SimParticlemv                           g4run                       AllPatRecReco           1:34
                                   mu2e::TrackSeeds                  PosHelixFinder                       AllPatRecReco           1:65
                                    KalRepart::Ptrs                    CalPatRecDmm    DownstreammuMinus  AllPatRecReco           1:3
                                    KalRepart::Ptrs                  MergePatRecDmm    DownstreammuMinus  AllPatRecReco           1:5
                        mu2e::StepPointMCart::Ptrss                          makeSD       StrawDigiMCPtr  AllPatRecReco           1:38
                                 mu2e::StrawDigiMCs                          makeSD          StrawDigiMC  AllPatRecReco           1:45
              mu2e::StrawHitFlagDetailmu2e::BitMaps                    FSHPreStereo                       AllPatRecReco           1:53
                           mu2e::TrackClusterMatchs            TrackCaloMatchingDmm                       AllPatRecReco           1:64
                KalRepmu2e::OwningPointerCollection                    CalPatRecDmm    DownstreammuMinus  AllPatRecReco           1:9
                            mu2e::StrawHitPositions         CalPatRecMakeStereoHits                       AllPatRecReco           1:59
                                 mu2e::AlgorithmIDs                  MergePatRecDem     DownstreameMinus  AllPatRecReco           1:15
                           mu2e::TrackClusterMatchs            TrackCaloMatchingDem                       AllPatRecReco           1:63
                                     mu2e::StatusG4                           g4run                       AllPatRecReco           1:35
                                 mu2e::AlgorithmIDs                  MergePatRecDmm    DownstreammuMinus  AllPatRecReco           1:16
              mu2e::StrawHitFlagDetailmu2e::BitMaps                    CalPatRecDmm    DownstreammuMinus  AllPatRecReco           1:49
                                 mu2e::AlgorithmIDs                    CalPatRecDmm    DownstreammuMinus  AllPatRecReco           1:14
                                 mu2e::StepPointMCs                           g4run      virtualdetector  AllPatRecReco           1:44
              mu2e::StrawHitFlagDetailmu2e::BitMaps                     FlagBkgHits                       AllPatRecReco           1:54
              mu2e::StrawHitFlagDetailmu2e::BitMaps            TRFDownstreammuMinus    DownstreammuMinus  AllPatRecReco           1:57
                              mu2e::CaloHitMCTruths             MakeCaloReadoutHits                       AllPatRecReco           1:23
              mu2e::StrawHitFlagDetailmu2e::BitMaps             TRFDownstreameMinus     DownstreameMinus  AllPatRecReco           1:56
                                    KalRepart::Ptrs                  MergePatRecDem     DownstreameMinus  AllPatRecReco           1:4
mu2e::SimParticleart::Ptrmu2e::MCTrajectorystd::map                           g4run                       AllPatRecReco           1:33
                              mu2e::CaloCrystalHits             MakeCaloCrystalHits                       AllPatRecReco           1:21
                        mu2e::StepPointMCart::Ptrss             MakeCaloReadoutHits  CaloHitMCReadoutPtr  AllPatRecReco           1:37