Solenoid Acquisition Oversight Committee |
Documentation Home Page |
The Mu2e Project completed its conceptual design phase and was awarded DOE CD-1 approval in July 2012. At the heart of the
experiment is a system of three superconducting-solenoid systems. These system represent significant cost, schedule, and
technical risk to the project. To help mitigate these risks the Solenoid Acquisition Oversight Committee (Solenoid AOC)
was formed. This web page collects information useful to the committee.
For assistance in obtaining any documentation, references, etc., please contact For document content questions, please contact
the appropriate L2 manager (cf. Project Contact List).
Note: documents linked from this page are password protected.
Time |
Title |
Speaker |
Mu2e-doc-# |
14:00 |
Progress of Conductor Procurements |
(M.Lamm) |
2807 |
14:30 |
Replies to Conductor-related Recommendations |
(M.Lamm) |
2808 |
15:00 |
Quality Control Plan for the Conductor |
(V. Lombardo) |
2809 |
16:00 |
Adjourn |
Final Report |
(Committee) |
2972 |
Replies to Recommendations |
(Mu2e team) |
3300 |
Title |
Mu2e-doc-# |
Title |
Mu2e-doc-# |
Solenoid Acquisition Oversight Committee Charge & Membership |
2437 |
Recent Solenoid Summary Talk |
2497 |
Conceptual Design Report (Ch 4 and 7) |
1169 |
Make vs Buy Analysis for Solenoids |
2496 |
Advanced Acquisition Plan for Mu2e Solenoid Conductor |
2493 |
Conductor Specification Packages |
2488 |
Procurement Management Plan |
2350 |
Vendor and Sub-Contract Oversight Plan |
2490 |
Conductor Quality Control Plan |
2828 |
Title |
Mu2e-doc-# |
Title |
Mu2e-doc-# |
Agenda and Presentations from 29-Jan-2013 |
Here |
Final Report from 29-Jan-2013 Meeting |
2712 |