************** 2016-05-23-PAYLOAD DROP ******************* FPGA Reference Design Manual/1.2.0: FPGA VHDL Sources and Binaries/R4: * Added amc502_xxx_223_xxx project (F=3 - PCIe x8 Gen2 to AMC Ports 4-11) * Moved all projects up to Vivado 2015.4 ************** 2016-05-19-PAYLOAD DROP ******************* BSP Sources and Binaries/R3: * Moved /etc to SPI flash, moved /upgrade to RAM. Software Reference Manual/2.0.0: * Updated document to match latest partition mapping. ************** 2016-01-19-PAYLOAD DROP ******************* FPGA Reference Design Manual/1.1.0: FPGA VHDL Sources and Binaries/R3: * Added amc502_xxx_212_xxx XAUI+PCIe project. ************** 2015-08-30-PAYLOAD DROP ******************* BSP Sources and Binaries/R2: * Added SD Card support (NOTE: It doesn't work on REV-A boards due to hardware bug) * Improved NAND stability * Bumped DRAM voltage to 1.5v and made appropriate software calibration ************** 2015-04-30-PAYLOAD DROP ******************* Hardware Reference Manual/1.1.0: * Corrected FPGA banking/floorplan diagrams. FPGA VHDL Sources and Binaries/R2: * Corrected FMC LA/HA/HB pin-out spreadsheet and constraint files. * Corrected banking and floorplan diagrams. ************** 2015-03-18-PAYLOAD DROP ******************* FPGA Reference Design Manual/1.0.1: * Corrected references to FPGA RS-232 port ************** 2015-03-09-PAYLOAD DROP ******************* Hardware Reference Manual/1.0.0: FPGA Reference Design Manual/1.0.0: FPGA VHDL Sources and Binaries/R1: * Initial release