If there is an SEU event that upsets some FPGA configuration memory, then there is a loss of data from that region while that device is reloaded and re-enters the data stream. Do you have enough information about that data loss to properly analyze data during that period or is there a detector wide dead time associated with any re-load?

The Readout Controller is implemented in flash based FPGAs from Microsemi�. Tests performed at LANSCE by Microsemi and at several places in Europe by LHC experiments have shown no configuration memory SEUs in those devices, at energies and fluences much higher than ours, so I consider this device immune to SEUs (just the way is being marketed).

Cyclone devices used for the digitizers automatically calculate a CRC on each data frame loaded into the configuration memory. Upon detecting an error, the memory is automatically scrubbed and affected CRC registers and CRAM arrays corrected. Scrubbing is fast (μsecs) but the CRC check on the entire device can take much longer. That time is set by user and at a minimum can be 4ms, but that requires some complicated FPGA routing. For lax routing, the CRC check takes ~120 ms.

The data will be flagged and the DAQ made aware of that. In principle, to reduce the impact of an error, algorithms could identify finer subsets of data as corrupted. Here I consider 120 ms of data as lost each time an FPGA fails the CRC check.

Are such data losses consistent with your physics requirements (this is, I suppose, equivalent to the question of how sensitive the physics analysis is to permanent loss of some group of straws)?

The measured CRAM SEU rate for 28 nm technology is 7.9E-15 cm2/bit/n. The mu2e flux at the electronics is 4400 n/cm2/s. The typical configuration memory for a Cyclone device is 30 Mbits. We did a measurement at UC Berkeley and saw no configuration issue for factor of 5 higher rate. Neutrons in that test were 2.45 MeV, so I assume we are only susceptible to the 25% of our neutrons above 2.45 MeV. Note this is an upper bound: the threshold for SEUs on configuration memory for 28 nm devices is thought to be more like 10 MeV. The CRAM SEU rate per digitizer with these conservative assumptions is

������������� 7.95�10-15 cm2/bit/n � 30 Mbit � 25% � 4400 n/cm2/s = 2.62�10-4/s

With 1296 Cyclones in the system, and 120 ms of data loss on each failure, on average <0.05 digitizers is off at any instant. Whereas physics is not seriously impacted until a whole station worth of straws is out: 1152 straws or 72 digitizers.

I am a bit worried by setting your threshold so high (100 Hz) � that has two costs that I can see � more jitter in the time measurement (vs. a much lower threshold) and the possibility that your design may assume a much lower data rate than you eventually have to use to handle data at a much lower threshold (assuming you discover or decide that you need to run at a lower threshold). So:

a)     Do you have test results that convince you that you can do well enough in position and time division with such a high threshold?

We do not have convincing resolution results yet. But we have achieved noise that, according to simulations, will give us the performance we need well within our available bandwidth.

The 100 Hz noise rate was chosen for our early prototypes, where we did not have the full readout chain and are limited in bandwidth. We do plan to run lower threshold in the final configuration. There are two additional points to make here:

1)     More than likely in the final system we will require the two ends of the straw to run in coincidence. Even a lax 100ns time window will drastically reduce the noise, and each side can run at hundreds of kHz. 

2)     We can eliminate noise hits by more sophisticated noise suppression in the FPGA (for instance looking at time above threshold)

b)     Do you have enough bandwidth in the system to handle a much higher hit rate (e.g. 100 kHz)?

Yes. We are designing for an assumed straw rate of 300 kHz and the limitation is the ROC to DTCM optical link. The current plan is to run this link at 2.5 Gbps, even though the link is capable of 5 Gbps. We have not pushed the rate yet, but more than likely we will be able to run at 5 Gbps, in which case the 300 kHz becomes 600 kHz.