Additional questions/comments:


See answers to questions from Aseet on 17/7/201 “TOC.doc”

Backup documents are: 3879, 2310, 2535, 5777, 5331, 1808, 5256, 5246, 2633, 1343.


1.      Looking at the layout the straws do not overlap around the straw center. Can you provide plots from MC of the straw resolution versus distance including electronics?  (even if it is not exactly within the scope to review the performance requirements).
I believe these plots exist, I hope Dave B. can provide links to them.

a.       How do you verify these with the prototypes?
An 8-straw prototype being tested at LBNL includes a pixel detector.  Although not it’s primary function, this will also measure resolution.

b.      Does the MC include the discriminator threshold level achieved with the prototype electronics?
Yes, but using thresholds achieved with shielding around the straws. This is fair only if the interior of the DS can be kept quiet.

c.       What is the gas gain and how has it been measured?
We expect to run ≲5·104. Gain is measured using total current with Fe55 and using the known primary ions from Fe55.

d.      Has the noise level been measured?
Yes and it agrees well with Spice simulation

e.       Can you meet the required resolution and efficiency specs with present S/N?
Yes, with gas gain of 5·104

2.      Can you describe in more detail the cooling system? Have you done any simulations or tests with realistic geometry of heat loads (boards) and cooling interfaces? What is the temperature of the coolant and electronics (overall temperature gradient)?
Documents 2068 and 2013 provide considerable detail. Both simulation and bench tests have been done. See documents 4087 and 4085. Revisions since that time in panel design improve heat transfer (more aluminum) and lower power. These have been analyzed but presented in a less self-contained manner; see for example document 5208. The coolant will run ~25C and gradient is ~3C.

3.      Can you provide details (drawings) of the vacuum sealing of the panels and how the assembly and leak testing is carried out?
Hopefully we can go over this interactively with 3D models.

4.      What are the characteristics of the fuses and have they been tested?
The fuse consists of a small torsion spring soldered under tension to conduct HV. One side uses a low-temperature solder which is melted using a heating resistor. It was tested extensively this summer and the document for it will be uploaded soon.

5.      How have you reached the conclusion that the inside and outside of the straw do not have to be connected?
No. Given the ambiguity of the conclusion, and the difficulty of assuring there is no connection, we have (tentatively) decided to make the connection.

6.      Can you explain in some more detail with a drawing or diagram the connections of the services (HV, LV and gas) i.e., patch panels, position of connections and modularity?
We do not yet details of the layout. Planned modularity is:
- One pair of LV lines per panel, 48V, with stepdown at the panel
- One pair gas lines per plane, with “fanout” outside the DS.
- We have left space for 960 HV lines inside the DS, fanned out from 192 HV channels outside the DS. We have not yet settled whether we need so many or how to distribute them if we do.

7.      Can you describe the plan in case of failure/problem with HV, LV, leaking straw and readout problem?
The general short-term solution to any problem is to disable the smallest possible segment of the detector and continue running. Longer term the plane is removed and the panel replaced. The defective panel can then be repaired while data taking continues. “Smallest possible segment” is a panel for LV or readout; a single straw for (most) HV problems; a plane for gas problems.

8.      It would be good to produce a detailed circuit diagram with characteristics and values of the components.
These exist, but perhaps should be coalesced into a single document.

9.      In the aging test you have seen no change in gain up to 1C/cm. Have you seen any effects on the straws?
Straws were cut open to examine for discoloration or other visible damage. End to end resistance measurements were also done. There was no indication of radiation-induced damage.

10.  Can you outline the development plan towards the final electronics?

a.       What additional prototypes are planned?
The push right now is for 2-channel preamps. Work on analog and digital motherboards is in progress. Prototypes for mother boards will be produced by early CY16.

b.      What questions remain unanswered and when do they think they will know enough to go into production?
Two vs single channel preamps, and details of the preamp to straw connections, are major concerns. I expect them to be settled by the end of this year. A lower probability, but higher impact, issue is radiation damage. Tests will be performed at LBNL this fall (October).

c.       What risks do they see in the near future?
The biggest risk is radiation sensitivity. In the unlikely event it is a problem, it could require major changes.

d.      How much schedule and cash contingency do they have in the baseline plan?
We cannot begin with production electronics till CY17, which is adequate time. We have ~40% contingency. Sadly not cash, we have to beg and plead to get it released.


1.      It is important to do the radiation test of the electronics.

2.      It is recommended to repeat the discharge tests with the smaller blocking cap.