The Mu2e tracker simulation is
not “parameterized”. It starts with G4 energy deposits and creates hits using 1st
principle models of low-level physics (ionization, charge drift, dispersion, …) and electronics effects (gain, shaping,
noise, …) directly. As such, efficiency and resolution are emergent
properties, not input. The only inputs are basic values such as drift velocity,
absolute gain, shaping time, threshold noise, etc. Though slower than a
parameterized simulation, this approach allows us to correctly model pileup. Because
the input values are lab-measured quantities (i.e. noise, gain, …)
we can also compare measured performance of resolution and efficiency with
simulation. Details of the tracker simulation are described in document 4241. The
simulation is outlined in a few figures.
Electronics waveforms at the digitizer
from simulated Conversion Electron events. The green dot indicates where the
signal passed over threshold (including threshold noise). The signal
(~100 mV on average) is ~5× the threshold (20 ± 4 mV nominal),
which roughly agrees with SPICE models.
Drift resolution (position
perpendicular to the wire). The core resolution is better than what we observe
in the lab currently. Effects due to missing clusters and the bias near the
wire are clearly visible.
Momentum resolution of
selected reconstructed Conversion Electron tracks. The resolution is dominated
by multiple scattering in the straw walls, but tails in the hit resolution do
affect the momentum resolution tails. Track selections involve only measurable quantities
(number of hits, fit χ2, …).
The momentum resolution depends sensitively on algorithms such as left-right
ambiguity resolving, noise hit filtering, etc. The estimated momentum
resolution performance meets Mu2e requirements, with a core resolution
(110 KeV/c) much less than the energy straggling
(~300 KeV/c) in the target, and backgrounds due
to high-side tails that are small (20%) compared to our irreducible physics
background (Decay In Orbit electrons).