Mu2e Tracker
Technical Oversight Committee
J. Whitmore, A. Mukherjee, R. Wagner, R. Ray
The success of the Mu2e experiment critically depends on the Straw Tube Tracking detector that provides the primary momentum measurement of the outgoing electron in muon to electron conversion. The tracker must be a low mass device that identifies and analyzes 105 MeV/c electrons to high precision while rejecting backgrounds and it must provide this functionality while located in the evacuated bore of the superconducting solenoid that provides a uniform 1 Tesla magnetic field. Details of the Tracker can be found in the Mu2e Technical Design Report [1].
The Mu2e experiment received DOE CD-1 approval in July 2012 and CD-2 approval in March 2015. It is scheduled for CD-3c approval in June 2016, at which point it can begin tracker production related purchases.
The purpose of the Tracker Technical Oversight Committee (TRKTOC) is to provide advice to the Tracker technical team and to help identify and provide insight into issues associated with final design, prototypes, procurement, construction, and commissioning. This includes identification and mitigation of risks.
The Tracker TOC will be charged with reviewing and commenting on the following:
- Are the technical requirements understood and the specifications complete (mechanical, electrical, integration, installation, infrastructure, and interface)? Are they achievable? Are they presented in a clear and concise manner? Are the requirements and the specifications documented and posted to docDB?
- Is there a reasonable plan for tracker component procurement? Is the plan documented and posted to docDB?
- Is there a reasonable plan for tracker construction? Is it achievable? Is the plan documented and posted to docDB?
- Is the QA plan adequate? Does it identify and mitigate all the major risks? Are the roles and responsibilities of each tracker production group (straw procurement/testing, panel fabrication, plane fabrication, electronics fabrication, integration into DAQ) been clearly defined? Is the QA plan presented in a clear and concise manner? Is the plan documented and posted to docDB?
- Are the production oversight plans adequate? Do they include sufficient communication, reporting, documentation requirements (e.g. travelers), QA testing, site visits, and other commonly used procedures? Are they presented in a clear and concise manner? Is the plan documented and posted to docDB?
The Mu2e Project will solicit the input of the TRKTOC on a periodic basis to ensure a robust tracker design that will meet the requirements for the Mu2e experiment. We anticipate that much of the work can be conducted remotely -- via teleconferencing, video conferencing, or email -- although occasional face-to-face meetings may be prudent or necessary. A written summary of each meeting should be produced and posted to the document database that includes any comments or recommendations. The tracker team will be responsible for responding in writing to the comments and recommendations.
The chair of the TRKTOC can request a temporary appointment to the committee in order to include someone with a specific area of expertise that might otherwise be under-represented. The specific person would be agreed upon by the TRKTOC chair and the Mu2e Project Manager.
The CD-3c Director's Review is scheduled for February, 2016. An external technical review of the Tracker will be scheduled for November/December of 2015. It is anticipated that the TRKTOC will meet 1-2 times prior to the technical review to ensure that all required items have been adequately addressed. Beyond the CD-3c timeframe, the TRKTOC review would typically meet a few months prior to critical tracker design decisions and major production procurements.
Hans Danielsson (CERN) - Chair
Hogan Nguyen (FNAL)
Brendan Casey (FNAL)
Rick Van Berg (U of Penn)
[1] Mu2e Technical Design Report, mu2e-doc-db-4299,