Calorimeter Technical Oversight Committee
November 18, 2016 |
Documentation |
The Mu2e Project completed its preliminary design phase and achieved its DOE CD-2/3b sign-off in March 2015, baselining the Project cost. DOE CD-3 approval was achieved in July 2016, allowing the Project construction to proceed on the detector apparatus. In preparation for this, the project has asked panels of experts, in the form of Technical Oversight Committees, to provide advice on the design, construction, and installation plans of the detector.
The primary purpose of the Mu2e calorimeter is to provide particle identification in order to reject backgrounds from cosmic-ray interactions and antiproton annihilations, as well as to provide a seed for track pattern recognition and contribute to the trigger. The calorimeter also provides a redundant set of measurements that complement the information from the tracker. The calorimeter consists of two disks of pure CsI crystals equipped with a pair of large-area SiPMs. It operates inside the evacuated warm bore of a 1 Tesla superconducting solenoid. The radiation dose seen by the calorimeter is position dependent and ranges up to 150 Gy/crystal/year (excluding safety factors).
The Calorimeter system represents significant cost, schedule, and
technical challenges to the project. To help mitigate these technical risks, the Calorimeter Technical Oversight Committee (CALTOC)
was formed. This web page collects information useful to the committee.
For assistance in obtaining any documentation, references, etc., please contact For document content questions, please contact
the appropriate L2 manager (cf. Project Contact List).
Note: documents linked from this page are password protected.
Title |
Mu2e-doc-# |
Title |
Mu2e-doc-# |
Calorimeter Technical Oversight Committee Charge |
8306 |
Calorimeter TOC Membership |
Here |
Readytalk Information for 18 Nov, 2016 |
Here |
Time |
Title |
Speaker |
Mu2e-doc-# |
8:30 |
Calorimeter Overview |
S. Miscetti |
8317 |
8:50 |
CsI Crystals |
R.Y. Zhu |
8326 |
9:50 |
SiPMs |
I. Sarra |
8325 |
10:50 |
Coffee Break |
11:10 |
Mechanics and Cooling |
F. Raffaelli |
8327 |
11:50 |
Discussion |
All |
12:30 |
Adjourn |
Title |
Mu2e-doc-# |
Title |
Mu2e-doc-# |
Minutes from CALTOC Meeting - 18 Nov, 2016 |
Here |
Title |
Mu2e-doc-# |
Title |
Mu2e-doc-# |
  Calorimeter Documents |
Calorimeter Reference Design Report cf. Mu2e TDR (Ch. 9) |
4299 |
Particle ID algorithm |
|   |
Ionizing dose and neutron flux simulation |
| Crystal Irradiation Tests at INFN |
5800 |
Source Test of CsI and BaF2 crystal - INFN |
5817 |
Results of Electron Beam Test for CsI+MPPC |
5816 |
Electronics Integration and Grounding |
5339 |
FEA Analysis of Calorimeter Structure |
6766 |
Measurement of CsI Slow Component |
6813 |
Calorimeter Seeded Track Reconstruction |
6358 |
Title |
Mu2e-doc-# |
Title |
Mu2e-doc-# |
Science Driven Requirements |
4381 |
Calorimeter Requirements Document |
864 |
Particle ID Requirements |
4256 |
Calorimeter Interface Control Document |
2195 |
CsI Crystal Specifications |
7051 |
Photosensor Specifications |
7052 |
Title |
Mu2e-doc-# |
Title |
Mu2e-doc-# |
Calorimeter Design Review Report |
6833 |
Replies to Recommendations from Design Reviews |
6258 |
| Mu2e-doc-# |
Title |
Mu2e-doc-# |
Mu2e Subsystem Quality Planning Document
6005 |
Calorimeter QA/QC Plan
7053 |
Quality Assurance Plan - Calorimeter (updated) |
6822 |