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Status of Mu2e-CRS

CRS at Fermilab Status

(as of 10-Sept-2009)

Craig Dukes has been named the L2 manager for the CRS and is working on the WBS for the project. The Fermilab group is in the process of upgrading the DAQ and other electronics for the CRS half module delivered from William and Mary. In addition a test stand is being designed for studying the response of the plastic scinitillators to low energy neutrons.

CRS at Fermilab Status

(as of 30-Jun-2009)

The W&M CRS half module (hm) arrived at Fermilab the week of 15-Jun-2009. John Kane, Frank Kane, and Jonathan Stevens accompanied the equipment and spent a week re-establishing data taking. They took data at several positions along the length of the CRShm. Presently two summer students and a summer high school science teacher are in the process of learning to take data with the system. In order to confirm the system is performing as expected, they will first repeat the measurements the W&M crew performed just before they left. We'll list here our long term plans and goals, which we are in the process of establishing.

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This page last updated: Monday, 14-Sep-2009 17:13:34 CDT
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