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Mission Statement
The Mu2e experiment will search for charged-lepton flavor violation with world-class sensitivity and will be capable of discovering physics beyond the Standard Model. The Mu2e
Collaboration will strive to produce and publish world-class science, founded on robust scientific discussion and debate, occurring in an environment welcoming to all people.
Code of Conduct
All members of Mu2e are expected to maintain the highest standards of conduct and to treat each person with dignity and respect at all times to create an inclusive, professional, and
collegial working environment free of discrimination, threats, and harassment.
To achieve the challenging scientific goals of the Mu2e Experiment requires a well-organized collaborative effort and well-defined venues for open scientific debate. Much of the
organizational discussion and scientific debate occurs in meetings. The following meeting guidelines are offered to help ensure all members of the Mu2e Collaboration have an
opportunity to actively participate in these discussions and debates:
a) Moderators
- Shoud, to the degree possible, work with the speaker and the audience so that presentations and associated question periods stay within their allotted time.
- Should, as needed, moderate the interaction between speaker and audience to ensure everyone involved is treated respectfully and in an even-handed manner.
- Should poll for questions that encourage participation from the entire audience, including remote participants.
b) Speakers
- Should, to the degree possible, prepare a talk that can fit within the allotted time, including questions.
- Should endeavor to patiently address questions in a constructive manner.
c) Audience members
- Should give the speaker a chance to speak, endeavoring to interrupt only as needed for important clarifications.
- Should give each other a chance to speak and not monopolize the discussion.
- Should endeavor to pose questions/comments that are worded in a constructive manner and that are relevant to the topic at hand.
Problems should be brought to the attention of the Mu2e spokespersons.
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This page last updated: Friday, 07-Mar-2025 11:50:35 CST