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Porting to ROOT 6
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Until the end of the ROOT v5 series of releases, ROOT interactive command lines and ROOT macros were parsed and executed by a custom written interpreter named CINT. CINT was advertised as an interpreter for code written in C and C++. A more accurate description is that the CINT language shares many features with C and C++ but it misses many important features and adds other features that are not part of either language. Indeed there is code that is both legal CINT and legal C++ but they do different things.
Starting with ROOT v6, CINT has been replaced by a new interpretter named cling. Quoting from the Cling web site:
Cling is an interactive C++ interpreter, built on the top of LLVM and Clang libraries. Its advantages over the standard interpreters are that it has command line prompt and uses just-in-time (JIT) compiler for compilation.
In addition, Cling can also parse and execute some Cling-specific extensions to C++. These extensions are much less extensive than the extensions supported by CINT.
gROOT->LoadMacro("file.C+");In ROOT 6 this has been replaced with the syntax.
#include "file.C+"I have not learned the rules for resolving user supplied header files that are included in file.C; they are not what I expected.
ROOT 6 does not do this. If you create a TObject inside a class or function called from the command line and if you want a pointer to it to be available at the command line, then it is your responsibity to provide a mechanism to communicate the pointer to the command line.
The two ROOT scripts that are used to make one of the standard sets of tracking efficiency and resolution plots are:
TrkDiag/test/KalFit.C TrkDiag/test/ce.CKalFit.C does all of the physics work; ce.C manages I/O and calls KalFit.C.
These scripts operate on a ROOT TTree created by TrkDiag/src/ReadKalFits_module.cc; for an example you can use Analyses/test/genReco.fcl; running it for 2000 events will take about 15 minutes and will produce enough reconstructed tracks to explore.
To run these scripts, setup the Mu2e run-time environment and:
root -l TrkDiag/test/ce.CThis will pop up two TCanvas windows and return control to the ROOT prompt.
These files are available in Mu2e Offline and copies are available here:
23a25,26 > TCanvas* rcan; > TCanvas* acan; 695c699 < TCanvas* acan = new TCanvas("acan","Acceptance",1200,800); --- > acan = new TCanvas("acan","Acceptance",1200,800); 753c757 < TCanvas* rcan = new TCanvas("rcan","Momentum Resolution",1200,800); --- > rcan = new TCanvas("rcan","Momentum Resolution",1200,800);In the ROOT 5 version, variables acan and rcan were function-local; in the ROOT 6 version they are public member data.
The following text is the output of: diff -wbB v5/ce.C v6/ce.C
2c2 < // Version for use with root v5. --- > // Version for use with root v6. 30,31d29 < < gROOT->Reset(); 38c36 < gROOT->LoadMacro("TrkDiag/test/KalFit.C+"); --- > #include "TrkDiag/test/KalFit.C+" 45,46c43,45 < acan->Print("acan_ce.pdf"); < rcan->Print("rcan_ce.pdf"); --- > > fit.acan->Print("acan_ce.pdf"); > fit.rcan->Print("rcan_ce.pdf");In the ROOT 6 code, the LoadMacro call is replaced as described in item 2 from General Comments section. In the ROOT 6 code, the TCanvas* pointers acan and rcan are accessed as public member data of the class KalFit.C; in the ROOT 5 code they were automagicaly provided by CINT.
I am not sure if it was necessary to remove the gROOT->Reset() or if it is an artifact of debugging.
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