The entries on this FAQ discuss issues related to linux, its shells and
shell scripting languages.
- Introduction
- What Bash References are Recommended?
- What Unix References are Recommended?
- Study Questions about Shells?
On a unix machine, you open a terminal window into which you can type commands, the
agent that figures out what you want to do and then gets the job done,
is called a shell.
There are many shells in common use, sh, bash, csh and
tcsh to name the most commonly used. Instead of typing commands interactively
one can collect many command into a file and ask the shell the execute the file
as if you had typed the commands in by hand; this sort of file is called a
On all of the Fermilab maintained Mu2e machines, the shell that you get
when you login or open a new terminal window will be bash.
Most of the scripts that drive Mu2e code are written
in bash; in particluar all of the scripts that control grid jobs are written
in bash.
What Bash References are Recommended?
The Linux Documentation Project publishes a number of
guides that are available online. We suggest:
What Unix References are Recommended?
Most of the unix questions that you will have will really be questions about bash;
for those questions see the FAQ entry about bash. For non-bash
questions you can look at the various guides published by
The Linux Documentation Project.
Study Questions about Shells?
When you learn about shells and shell scripting there is a lot of information available.
If you can answer all of the following quesitons you will have a solid grounding in the
- What is a shell?
- What are sh, bash, csh, tcsh, ksh?
- What is a shell script
- What is a subshell?
- You can either source a shell script or execute it.
- What is the difference in syntax?
- What is the differenec in behaviour?
- What is the meanging of the #! line at the start of a shell script?
What happens if it is not there?
- When you source a shell script, which shell does it run under?
- When you execute a shell script, which shell does it run under?
- In some shells, "." is a synonym for source. Which shells?
- What is the difference between a shell variable and an environment variable?
- Difference is syntax for defining them?
- Difference in scope?
- There is a convention that one type of variable is written in all capital
letters and another in all lower case letters. Which is which?
- What environment does a subshell inherited from its parent?
- If you change the environment in a subshell, does this change the environment of its parent?
- If I start one subshell and later change my environment, does this affect the environment of the subshell?
- When you dereference a variable ( shell or environment ) sometimes the syntax is
$var and other times it is ${var}. Is this 100% optional or are the {} sometimes required?
- What is an alias and how to does it work?
- When you type a command the shell can resolve the command from different places:
- In the path
- An alias
- A shell built-it
- A shell function.
What is the order of precedence for checking these 4 places to find a command?
- How can you ask a shell to tell you where it found a command?
- Which directory is referred to by ~? By ~username? By ~/username?
- Inside C++ code or ROOT code, when I try to open a file using the ~ syntax it does
not work. Why?
- What entity processes wildcards?
- What is the difference between quoting things with " vs '? (Double vs single quotes).
- What does it mean to escape a special character? What is the syntax to do so?
- If I enclose a string in "back ticks" ( the ` character) what happens?
- What happens if you end a line with \ (the backslash is the last character on the line) ?
- What happens if the last visible character on a line is \ but there is whitespace after it?
- How do you pass arguments to a script?
- Inside a script, how do you access its arguments?
- What are standard in, standard error and standard out ( also known as stderr and stdout?)?
- How do you redirect stdout? stderr?
- How do you redirect both stdout and stderr to different places?
- How can I redirect stdin to a file?
- How can I redirect stdin to be inline the current script?
- What are pipes and how are they used?
- How can you concatenate many commands together onto one line?
- When is .bash_profile run? Is it sourced or executed?
- When is .bashrc run? Is it sourced or executed?
- What sort of things belong on .bash_profile and which in .bashrc?
- If you do not have a .bash_profile and/or a .bashrc, what will bash look for instead?
- What is the your "current working directory"? How do you learn what it is?
- What are your uid and gid? How do you learn their values?
- Which file protection groups do you belong to?
- What is the newgrp command and when should you used it?
- How do you tell who is allowed to read/write/execute a file?
- How do you change who is allowed to read/write/execute a file?
- Both binary files and ascii files can be executable? What does it mean for a file with text in it to be
- What is a umask? How do you find its value? How do you change its value?
- What does the sticky bit in a directory umask mean?
- In bash, when you should use return and when should you use exit?
- Why is it a bad idea to use arguments with bash scripts that are designed to be sourced?
- How can you send the result of you work to both the screen and a file?
- Some Mu2e specific questions:
- Why must you source, not execute the mu2e setup scripts?
- Why are we using bash, not tcsh?
- Our grid scripts use trap - what is it and why do we use it?
This file last modified Tuesday, 21-Aug-2012 15:27:51 CDT