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The Fermilab central cluster of unix computers is named FNALU. In the past there were many sorts of unix computers in this central cluster but I believe that at present ( July 2009) the only machines available run Scientfic Linux.

The computing division maintains documentation about FNALU.

Both interactive login and batch are available on FNALU. Both are described below.


As of July 2009, the interactive machines are:

OS Nodes AFS location g++ Version
SLF4/32 bit flxi04, flxi05, flxi09, flxi10 d3 3.4.6
SLF4/64 bit flxi02, flxi03, flxi07, flxi11 d4 3.4.6
SLF5/32 bit flxi06 d5 4.1.2
SLF5/64 bit 4.1.2

Mu2e does have access to a SLF5/64 bit machine that we can use for builds to distribute to other machines. But there is no such machine in FNALU.

The column labeled afs location refers the location in afs space at which the software built for this architecture can be found:
d3: /afs/
d4: /afs/
d5: /afs/
The version for flxi06 is under construction on d5 but it is not yet ready.


See the Fermigrid page.

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